Friday, February 12, 2010

Random Thoughts on the Opening Ceremony

I still love Bobby Orr


I still love Donald Southerland


I think the entire American team have A D D and they’ve taken them off their meds


Why do the totems remind me of an erection


I think David Hasselhoff and kd Lang share wardrobes. Hasselhoff is sexier.


Opera is 1000 people in the world imposing their will on the billions who hate it.


Was it impossible for Furlong to learn more French than mon amis and do a poor job of it. And he could’ve lost the Brit accent at the same time.


The rocky mountains are pretty majestic when not made out of sheets.


The budget for the opening ceremonies was 47 million. They spent it all at linen and things.


Nancy Green still looks like the kid who won the Olympic gold


Wayne Gretzky is suffering from the Phoenix situation. Check out the hair dye.


The lone Monaco athlete is 55 and didn’t carry the flag. I’m taking out my citizenship.


Who’s selling cigarettes.


My hero is Betty Fox


I’m shocked – it’s raining in Vancouver. Somebody can sling BS


I hope Canada wins the gold in hockey, men and women but I’m still mad that Cammalleri wasn’t even considered. What they don’t like smart guys!!


I bet Bob Costas was beat up more than I was as a kid


They should have made all the figure skating judges take the oath on the stage and let the crowd rate them


4.2          1.0          5.3          6.5


Did they get a deal on the Iranian hats. I. R. Iran – They thought it was all in upper case at first. Come on


It was very fitting the Irish were between the Iranians and the Israelis. Who better to control a brawl.















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